Here's part two of my post from two weeks ago, looking at ways to improve the look of your travel business Facebook page, taken from Mike Gingerich this article in the awesome Social Media Examiner site.
(Yeah, this is what I should've been writing about last week, but as I wrote in that post, I took a little break).
So let's keep going…
7.) Customize your Facebook URL
This one's a no-brainer. You really don't want to have your page URL listed as "" or something similar. Make it as easy as possible for your prospects to find you on the site by using your travel business name. Just follow these straightforward directions. Also, be certain that you really want this listing, because once you've changed it, it's permanent. If you have a really long name, you may consider using "[yourbusinessname]" It will work just fine for any Facebook app.
8.) Review your category, especially if you're local
This may not apply to most adventure travel company suppliers, but it would be a strong advantage for local travel agencies who have a physical location. You'll want to make sure that you are listed as a local business so that visitors can check-in. This allows their sharing to be posted to friends' updates, increasing the reach for your brand awareness.
9.) Activate replies to your comments
You've posted some cool travel info on your page, and want to know if anyone's paying attention. You know the first key social media marketing success is engagement. Interact with visitors who post to your page, and they could turn into customers and sales. Luckily, Facebook has now made this process easy-peasy with the new Replies function, which allows you to see how many replies a post has. To turn this function on, go to your Admin page, choose Edit Settings then Manage Permissions. Click on the Replies box and save your changes.
10.) Review admins and roles
If your business has had staff changes recently, you'll only want those you place the highest trust in to manage your page. Also look at the responsibilities of staff members involved with your social media. Facebook allows different levels of access, so each person can be given any of these roles.
11.) Check your notification settings
The last strategy for re-designing your Facebook travel business page is monitoring your notification settings. You'll want to look for ones that aren't turned on, which may be preventing you from communicating with part of your audience. As Gingerich writes, it's all part of good customer service.
Admittedly, I've only implemented four of these eleven suggestions to my own Facebook business page. Some of them don't apply, such as #8 and #10, since I'm the only employee of my company and I work from home. But starting tomorrow, I'll be taking the earlier strategies and see if they make a difference with both of the business pages, not just the copywriting one.