If you see the landing page for my newsletter subscription (and I definitely want you to!), you'll notice I embedded a video clip for Jack Links beef jerky commercial at the very end.
I mention having Sasquatch carrying me off if I sell or give away your email address. Then I show you the commercial where two guys in a yard bend a running garden hose while the big hairy dude picks up the end of it. The guys let it go, and a blast of water hits Sasquatch in the face. Enraged, he pulls on it with so much force as he runs off, the spigot is torn away from the house. One of the idiots gets dragged off, screaming for his life and still holding on to the hose. Why I have no clue.
There's another one where Sasquatch is getting pretty with makeup while he's sleeping, and the trio who even dared to give him that unwanted makeover run off to the supposed safety of their car. They get tipped over by the big guy, and the vehicle goes rolling down a hill.
High art, I know:
Now, as a well-intentioned but often failing vegetarian (damn bacon), I really don't like beef jerky. I haven't touched the stuff in at least 35 years. But for some reason, I appreciate this ad campaign.
There's no logic for me to do so. The ad concept has barely anything to do with the product, except the weak tie to the slogan "Feed your wild side." The humans aren't really being wild, just stupid, because Sasquatch always gets the his vengeance in the end. And the foolish souls who snack on the beef jerky get severely injured, and probably worse.
Right now, six versions of this ad campaign exist, plus four "Snackin' with Sasquatch" ads, where basically the same unfortunate conclusions happen to some poor sap who even messes a little with him.
Why am I even giving mention to this campaign that does nothing but appeal to the lowest common denominator of our willingness to be entertained?
Because they're memorable. They correctly brand the product for the right demographic (which I'm assuming is males, 12 to 35). And you laugh at them in spite of yourself. That's the case for me, anyway. Geez, I even included one of the ads in my own lead-generation campaign.
Most of us appreciate great advertising. We laugh, sometimes cry, but we like to associate positive feelings about a product or service. Those of us who have been trained direct response also look at the message, not so much the concept, and want to target the right audience with the right message.
However crude and base these Jack Links ads are, they do the trick. You don't forget about them, and the shock value is right in line with its appeal to its core audience.
Ultimately, I confess liking the "Messin' with Sasquatch" ads, despite what I have learned about good marketing and copywriting. But it's not something I'd ever want my name to be associated with
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